February 27 – May 22, 2021 
The Upcountry History Museum will continue its mission of connecting young audiences with hands-on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) learning experiences when it hosts Framed: Step Into Art.
The bilingual (English and Spanish), 1500 square foot exhibition transforms the works of well-known painters into interactive environments. Children ages 3-12, enter the exhibit by stepping though an oversized frame and are immersed in the worlds created by well-known artists. Each work is re-created as a three-dimensional, sensory, walk-in environment that includes a print of the artist’s original work as well as important facts about the artist’s life and painting style.
Supporting the National Standards for Arts Education for K-5th grade, the exhibit provides conversational prompts that employ visual thinking strategies. Children explore the works of four specific artists, as well as enter a Mona Lisa Gallery where they discover a print of the original painting along with famous parodies, and step behind a a cutout version replacing Mona Lisa’s face with their own.
The exhibition’s four interactive spaces include:
• Dinner for Threshers by Grant Wood explores rural life at the turn of the century inviting children to tend to the chickens and eggs, prepare a seasonal meal, set the table, and mix and match the farmers patterned shirts.
• Camp at Lake O’Hara by John Singer Sargent invites visitors to Sargent’s 1916 camp in the Canadian Rockies. Children climb inside a tent, explore camping gear like Sargent’s, prepare a meal over the campfire, and create a painting of what today’s campsite might look like.
• Corn Festival by Diego Rivera visitors travel to Mexico through this piece from the Court of Fiestas in the Ministry of Education Building in Mexico City. Children explore a rendition of one of Rivera’s frescos, add flowers and ribbons to the flower tower for a celebration and add their flourish to a miniature building mural.
• Big Chicken by Clementine O’Hara visitors meet Louisiana’s most famous female artist and folk-art icon and create imaginary animals like Hunter’s “goosters!” Children load the cart and climb behind the reins of Hunter’s giant rooster to take the load into town.
In addition to climbing inside works of art, children are invited to curate their own exhibit gallery, draw self-portraits, take part in an art/history hunt through the exhibit and create different images at a three-dimensional pattern puzzle.
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